Normal Values | Foal | Adult |
Temp. (C) | 37.2-38.5 | 37-38.5 |
Pulse (bpm) | 50-70 | 28-45 |
Resp. (Br./min) | 15-30 | 8-15 |
MM (colour) | Pink | Pink |
CRT (seconds) | 1-2 | 1-2 |
Gut Sounds | Moderate | Moderate |
Hydration Status | Re-coils immediately | Re-coils immediately |
Temperature: Taken rectally. Take care to familiarise yourself with horse. Lubricate thermometer well, insert in approx 5cm into rectum, angled towards the rectal wall to avoid faeces. DO NOT force thermometer, as puncture of the rectal wall is possible. After minute, remove, clean and read.
Pulses: The most common to palpate is the submandibular artery (crossing jaw) and palmer digital artery (back of fetlock). To count and palpate pulse partially occlude with finger pressure, this allows the pulsation of the artery to be felt.
Alternatively heart sounds may be heard using a stethoscope placed on chest wall just behind point of elbow (sometimes you may need to move the leg forward to hear well). Rhythm should be regular and strong.
Respiration Rate: Assessment from a distance first to look for normal rhythm, effort, nasal discharge, swelling at glands or respiratory noise. Listen for normal air movement on both sides of the thorax (not always apparent in adults). You may also listen to the trachea (wind pipe) for clear air movement.
Mucous Membrane: Healthy MM should be moist pink/slightly pale pink and CRT within 2 seconds.
Capillary Refill Time: is the time taken for blood to refill capillaries after displacement by finger pressure.
Abdomen: the abdomen is divided into four quadrants. (Upper left and right, lower left and right) as food and liquid move through the gut they cause gurgling sounds. Particularly audible on the left side and lower right side. The upper right side is dominated by the caecum, which makes gentle mixing sounds, interspersed about 1-2 minutes by caecal emptying (toilet flush sounds)
An absence of sound or excessive sound may indicate colic.
Hydration Status: may be easily and quickly assessed by tenting the skin over the shoulder (more accurate than the neck) and watching for immediate recoil. MM should also be moist.