Pet Consultations
At Cooranbong and Bonnells Bay Animal Hospitals, we’re all about keeping your furry friends happy and healthy and consultations are key to that.
We’re not just about fixing things when they go wrong! Prevention and catching things early through regular checkups ensure pets are living their best lives.

Some animals suffer from skin and ear irritations on a daily basis. Scratching, licking, chewing and shaking their head can all be signs that your pet may be uncomfortable. If you think your pet may be irritated our Veterinarians can assist by investigating and providing medical treatment and give them the relief they need.

Does your pet seem reluctant to walk up and down stairs? Do they have trouble getting up after lying down? Is your pet not moving as freely as they used to? These can all be signs of arthritis. We offer a variety of treatments such as arthritis injections, joint supplements, anti-inflammatory/pain relief medication and prescription diets that support joints. These all aim to minimise the effects of arthritis and provide comfort for your pet. Our Veterinarians will devise a treatment plan to help your pet feel young and pain-free again!

Animals can get diabetes too! Our team not only aim to maintain your pets’ condition but educate you on this as well. Helping you to manage this condition is key in ensuring your pet lives a long life.

We offer FREE weight consultations with one of our Veterinary Nurses. You will be educated on the potential health risks of obesity, be given exercise programs and vital nutritional information. Our Nurses can help you and your pet get started on a tailor made program to ensure you have a healthier and long future together.

Having behaviour problems? Our Veterinarians are experienced in devising treatment plans that work for you and your pet. We also take great pride in ensuring your pets visit is as stress free as possible. There are many things we can do to assist you in reducing your pet’s anxiety.

Animals are not around our whole life, but make our life whole. Our staff can help ensure the euthanasia process for your beloved pet is as smooth and peaceful as possible. We also offer cremation services where our staff can organise the return of your pets’ ashes.
Pet Care

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Is your pet looking a little unkempt? Can’t get those tangles out? Or maybe a tick clip for summer? We offer grooming services at both of our Hospitals.