What is desexing?
Desexing is the surgical removal of reproductive organs (ovaries and uterus in females and testicles in males). In females this procedure is called a ‘spey’ whilst in males it is called a ‘castrate’. Desexing is done under a general anaesthetic.
Your Veterinarian may recommend other procedures being performed at the same time as desexing. These may include:
- Hind dew claw removal
- Perineal hernia repair
- Airway surgery performed on Brachycephalic animals
- Gastropexy, performed on large breed dogs susceptible to Gastric DilationVolvulus
Why should I desex my pet?
Pets generally live longer and healthier lives once desexed.
There are various reasons to desex your pet. These include:
- Stop unwanted behaviours such as urine spraying, roaming, aggression and dominant behaviour etc.
- Health benefits such as reducing conditions such as uterine/prostatic infection, prostatic/testicular/ovarian/mammary/perianal gland tumours and perianal hernias.
- As most animals produce litters rather than one single young, unwanted pregnancies quickly contribute to the huge numbers of abandoned and unwanted dogs that are euthanaised every year.
When should I desex my pet?
We recommend desexing cats and dogs at around 6 months of age. The age of desexing our exotic species does vary so please contact our friendly staff for advice on this.